Since 2021, Unfair To Care has highlighted the true value of frontline support workers and the economic impact of investing in social care.

Community Integrated Care’s latest report, ‘The Caring Economy – Unfair To Care 2025’, reveals a persistent £7,120 annual pay gap between social care support workers and their NHS equivalents – a disparity that fuels workforce instability, detriments the NHS, and impacts the wider economy.

Social care is not just a cost; it’s an investment. A well-paid, motivated workforce can strengthen the NHS, boost economic growth, and ensure high-quality support for those who need it most. Yet, despite growing recognition of social care’s vital role, urgent action is still needed. Our report estimates that every 50p increase in the hourly pay of England’s 1.29 million frontline support workers would cost the government no more than £723 million – that’s just 2.3% of the total annual adult social care budget – but could deliver transformational change.

When we invest in social care, we invest in the future of our society, our economy and our NHS. This report provides essential data to inform the national conversation on the change that needs to happen. Explore the findings and join us in calling for a fairer future for social care.

6 Key Facts From The Report
  • 30.3%

    Pay difference between Support Workers and their NHS counterparts

  • £7,120

    The equivalent cash uplift needed to achieve pay parity

  • 1.29 million

    The number of direct care workers in England

  • 112,000

    Vacant frontline roles in social care with a turnover rate of 26.5%

  • £723m

    The estimated annual net cost to government of increasing their hourly pay by 50p

  • 2.3%

    A 50p increase is just 2.3% of England’s £32 billion annual adult social care budget

Read Unfair to Care 2025

Unfair To Care 2025 re-examines key pay benchmarking data for care workers and explores how greater investment in social care will drive economic growth and strengthen the NHS.

Read our previous reports

Ways you can support

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2. Share campaign assets on Social Media

We’ve created some graphics for you to share on your social media feeds to show your friends and followers that you are supporting frontline social care workers to get the pay they deserve.

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About Community Integrated Care

Community Integrated Care is one of Britain’s biggest and most successful social care charities. We support thousands of people across England and Scotland who have care and support needs, such as learning disabilities, mental health concerns, autism, dementia and complex care needs, to lead The Best Life Possible. We are proud to have been recognised for our impact and innovation as the Charity Times ‘Charity of the Year’, and at sector honours such as the Skills for Care Accolades, National Care Awards and Great British Care Awards.

We believe that social care is the backbone of society. It is underfunded, under-appreciated and needs progressive reform to ensure fair pay for colleagues and fair care for all. That’s why our national strategy, ‘We Dare’, makes an absolute commitment to championing the sector – our colleagues, communities and the people we support. We are determined to fight for this cause with partners across the sector and society to ensure that it can be fair to care.

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